6 Secrets to Creating the Ideal Home in Which to Raise Your Kids

One of the most important decisions parents can make is choosing which home and neighborhood they would like to live in. Fortunately, Don Mills Builders has numerous custom home lots in Greensboro and surrounding areas to choose from. Here are six tips for creating the ideal home for you and your kids: Make sure the […]

Top 4 Questions to Ask Greensboro Builders on Home Construction

You can get a lot of information about Greensboro builders on their websites. So you should be able to find out about their licensing, experience and maybe even see photos of their home building work. However, there is a lot more important information you will need before signing a contract. Unfortunately, all of the right […]

The Advantages of Custom Building Your Next Home

Are you and your family ready to upgrade to a bigger and better home? If so, you are faced with two basic options: Search for existing homes in your area in an attempt to find one you like that also meets your needs, or… Have a home custom designed and built to meet all of […]

Best Ways to Find the Right Building Contractor in Greensboro

There are numerous building contractors in Greensboro, so you may find the choices bewildering. Where do you even begin? Here are a few things you will want to consider in trying to decide which one is right for you. Do You Want a Brand New Build or an Existing Home? If you don’t want to […]

How to Downsize Your Home After Retiring

You’re sitting at the kitchen table drinking your morning cup of coffee when it suddenly hits you. Retirement is just around the corner and your house that once seemed too small now feels more like an airport hangar. This is a good time to consider downsizing and talking to the right custom home builders in […]