Must Haves for 2018 Custom Kitchens

Is this the year you’re finally going to build your dream home? A truly exciting experience awaits you, full of planning and choosing your favorite features. When it comes to the kitchen, the heart of your home, do you want to include the most current trends for Greensboro custom homes in 2018? Consider these options to create a state-of-the-art kitchen that will bring you years of cooking, eating, and entertaining enjoyment.

When Functionality and Convenience are High Priorities

Your kitchen is likely used at least 3 times a day, whether it’s for meal preparation, snacking, baking, or any other activity. You will get much more enjoyment from your kitchen when functionality and convenience are taken into consideration.

  • Strategic design. Think about the flow of movement when designing the kitchen layout. When you’re cooking a meal, you will move from the refrigerator to the counter to the stove and around the room, typically in a certain pattern. Position appliances, sinks, islands, and other fixtures in a logical layout that works for you.
  • Reinvented Storage. Cabinets are being designed with hydraulic doors that swing up or fold away, drawers that slide out, even carousel shelving that brings the shelf you need down to your reach. Drawers with multiple levels inside can save space. Walk-in pantries are convenient for food storage, freeing up cabinet space for kitchen supplies.
  • Automation. Automatic features are no longer just for public restrooms. Hands-free faucets and dispensers in home kitchens help avoid messes and promote good hygiene.

Modern kitchens focus on practicality and aesthetics simultaneously. You don’t have to trade beauty for functionality.

Focus on the Latest in Color and Décor

Some old-fashioned elements of style are coming back into kitchens lately, helping to breach the gap between modern convenience and classic beauty.

  • Black and White. It doesn’t mean you need a checkerboard floor (although it never goes out of style). But the stark contrast of black to white between surfaces, backsplash, appliances, and accessories creates an old-world look in a modern kitchen.
  • Bright Colored Farm Sinks. Stainless steel, white porcelain, and double-sided sinks are slowly going away. In their place, you’ll find wide, deep farm sinks in a variety of colors from subtle pastels to bold hues.
  • Prominent Light Fixtures. Lighting makes a major style statement in your kitchen. It also needs to provide sufficient light for the task at hand. Consider bold light fixtures for ceiling lights, especially above an island or another seating area. Then place simple, bright lighting (LED lighting is ideal) under cabinets and over stovetops and sinks.

Don Mills Builds Greensboro Custom Homes with the Latest Kitchen Features

Luxury custom homes by Don Mills Builders are designed with the most up-to-date styles and options. Planning out your dream kitchen is easier with an experienced builder who can offer the latest features and modern conveniences. Greensboro custom homes are going up in highly desired neighborhoods in the northern Guilford County area, and Don Mills original homes are some of the best in the area. If you want a home built with quality materials and expert craftsmanship, call (336)362-1777.